Strasbourg at 97 km
Bale Mulhouse Airport: 79 km
Strasbourg Entzheim Airport: 92 km
Mulhouse at 63 km
Paris 500 km
Lille at 550 km
Brussels at 473 km
By Bus
2 Car/Bus companies with low fares serve Colmar from different cities in France and Germany: and For example Paris-Colmar from 22€ or Lyon-Colmar from 15€ with isilines. From Colmar take the TER as shown below:
Join us by train
The nearest SNCF station is Muhlbach station on Munster (direct line from Colmar which is a “Great Lines”station). You can then walk to the Tabor but with a steep climb (20 minutes), by taxi or contact the Tabor in advance to see if it is possible to arrange to pick you up at the rate of 5€ A/R.
There is also the possibility of Munster Station which is more served.
Join us by car
When you come from Munster, follow the Metzeral direction and just before that direction, you will enter in Muhlbach surMunster. Once in the village, after the town hall you will see on the left, look on your right for the Tabor sign in a narrow alley between two houses and then to the crow’s feet that you will cross, turn on the right and follow the path.
By car only the bis path described below.
A second, longer but more secure and less steep access is possible: in Muhlbach on Munster and after the town hall you will see on the left, look on your right for the sign indicating Gaschney, Perle des Vosges. Follow the winding roads; pass the Perle des Vosges hotel and in the middle of a yaw bend, on your right, you will find a small paved forest path that flows into the forest. The Tabor and Sattel signs are located at the entrance to the road. Follow this path for 1.7km. You will find just a crow’s foot where you will turn right at the Tabor panel (the left leading you to the Sattel).
Join us by plane
The Tabor is located between Entzheim /Strasbourg and Mulhouse /Baselairports. From Entzheim /Strasbourg count 1 hour 20 by car and 55 minutes from Mulhouse / Basel. Be aware that a train shuttle regularly makesEntzheim / Strasbourg Airport at The SNCF station in Strasbourg and a bus shuttle from Mulhouse /Basel airport to the SNCF station in St.Louis.